Smart greenhouse controller prototype

First iteration of a Makerspace member’s smart-greenhouse-controller!

3D-modeled and printed control board enclosure, housing an arduino micro-controller and electrical components; custom code senses moisture level from a soil sensor, and regulates a relayed pump.

Many tomato starts were farmed using this home made controller!


Student project – 3D printed chess pieces, with a CNC’ed chess board!

Upcoming Workshop

The Bella Coola Makerspace is happy to announce our third CNC Milling workshop – open to the public and free of charge!

CNC Milling – Saturday March 16 – 1pm

Learn how to carve with a computer! Designs, signs, engravings – carve almost anything into wood, plastic or even soft metal with the ‘Xcarve’, a CNC milling machine setup at the Bella Coola Makerspace. Learn how to prepare, calibrate, and carve in this hands-on afternoon workshop. Bring a board, make a sign!

More members exploring the possibilities of CNC milling

Community members continue to bring new ideas to life at the Bella Coola Makerspace with the Xcarve CNC Milling platform. Address signs, desktop designs, engravings on furniture, celebration-of-life plaques…

Most visitors are pleasantly surprised at how accessible CNC technology is; they come for a quick look, and often leave with a finished product. Text + clipart + wood, voila.